15 Travel Tips for Solo Travel


I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my travels, some due to ignorance and others pure oversight on my part.

Thankfully, I’ve been able to learn some basic travel tips that can help you on your solo travel adventures. Here is my list of 15 Travel Tips for Solo Traveler

1. Purchase travel insurance—If you can’t afford insurance you can’t afford to travel. Its harsh but true. I’ve been robbed, i’ve lost electronics, baggage delayed and injured myself. you never know what could happen. Don’t be a jerk and skip out. I’ve used worldnomads throughout the years.

2. Make Copies of important documents—Keep at least 1-2 copies of important documents, itineraries, passports, visas and credit/bank cards. Make sure your family has a copy and the contact information of the hostel/hotel you will be.

3. Learn your surrounding location— Learn the location of the nearest hospital, bank, post office , groceries story, tourist info. office. etc. before you travel Using google street view. This has saved me so many times, so I am not fumbling around town.

15 Tips fro Solo Travel

4. Room checkCheck the windows and the doors. Check that everything locks properly. If you want to be extra cautious, buy a travel door lock. 

5. Use legitimate Transportation—Use official modes of transportation. Where metros, buses or rideshare options like Uber, Lyft, Cabify, etc. are not available, take an official taxi or shuttle service. Check the outside of the taxi for official logos. The Driver should show you their badge if you request it. This might seem like a no brainer, but make sure the photo matches the driver. It may be tempting and cheaper to use a “pirate taxi”, but when you're alone and in a location you've never been, please choose your safety over cost. 

15 Tips for Solo Travel

6. Learn language basics—Not only is it respectful but you will be less of a target if you can learn some key phrases in the local language. Note: Some common phrases to include should be where is the nearest hospital, police station or embassy. 

7. Avoid sketchy places— Don’t wait to learn what are the places you should avoid. Do your research, join travel boards/Travel Groups, ask friends, family for their experience.Be weary of any poor lit areas or alleyways.

8. Watch your alcohol consumption—If you drink, drink responsibly. Unfortunately for women we need to be cautious as some countries may frown upon it or completely ban alcohol consumption. 

9. Make eye contact—Be confident. Make every effort possible to not show you are not afraid. 

10. Don’t wear flashy clothing or jewelry—Leave the expensive jewels at home. You are 100% times less likely to be robbed.

15 Tips for Solo Travel

13. Keep a hand on your luggage/daypack— Petty theft can happen anywhere. People have gotten very good at stealing phones & wallets by tearing a hole or slipping their hands into open bags, especially crowded places like metros or subways.

14. Protect your valuables—Consider purchasing travel locks and cables to protect your personal belongings. This is especially helpful on overnight transports like trains or buses.  

15. Use your intuition— Trust that gut feeling! Nine times out of ten there's a reason you have that feeling .Trust yourself!